Cod in the oven - Flavorful cod with lemon, orange and grapefruit

Cod in the oven with Hooked

Our take on cooked cod

With so many ways to eat fish, it can be difficult to know which fish to choose and how to prepare it.

Here's a great suggestion on how to prepare delicious cod in the oven that is easy to make, pleasing to the eye and full of flavor. Cod in the oven is underestimated compared to how much flavor you can get out of the fish by baking it with spices, bacon or in a sauce.

Below you'll find our take on cod in the oven.

Cod in the oven with bacon and citrus fruit salad

For: 4 people

Time: 45 min.


  • 500g cod fillet
  • 250g sliced bacon.
  • 250g pearl barley
  • 1 orange
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 bdt. mint
  • 2 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • Salt and pepper

Here's how to do it

  1. Start by boiling the pearl barley as directed on the package. Once cooked, set it aside to cool.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees hot air.
  3. Cut the cod into four equal pieces. Season the fillets with pepper before wrapping them in bacon slices. Place the cod in a dish and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the citrus fruit into fillets by first cutting off the peel and then cutting the natural "boats" into fillets.
  5. Rinse and coarsely chop the mint before mixing it with the citrus fruits in a bowl with the pearl barley. Gently toss with rapeseed oil and a pinch of salt.
  6. Serve the cod either on top of the citrus fruit salad or on the side. Enjoy!

Get the best cod for the oven

Cod can be eaten all year round, so there's no reason not to eat it. However, a good rule of thumb is that cod is especially good in months that contain an "R". That is, September to April. Here, the cod's meat is firmer and therefore easier to prepare and more delicious to eat.

Among the many popular fish in Denmark, cod tops the list as one of the most popular. This is due to its easy preparation, light flavor and other great qualities. Therefore, you're sure to find cod in most supermarkets, but we still recommend that you go to your local fish shop and buy cod for the oven, grill, etc.

At the fishmonger, you're not only guaranteed delicious fresh fish, but you're also supporting the local community so that the fishermen can keep working and the fishmonger can keep working.

Can't be bothered to cook cod in the oven?

We understand that a busy schedule can often drain the energy out of you, leaving you unable to cook cod in the oven, on the grill or something else. Although cod in the oven is a great meal, it is unfortunately not a dish we offer in our restaurants.

However, you can find many other delicious dishes that can make up for cod in the oven, such as our delicious fish and chips. You can see much more about our large selection, which you can also get as take away, in our menu.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recommends more fish and legumes and less meat. You can read more about this here.